Production of Biofertilizer to be Applied together with Rice Straw and Straw Wastes to Increase Efficiency in Soil Improvement and Rice Production
Global warming, which is the main cause of climate change, is triggered by the increase in greenhouse gases. The importance of agricultural methods has been emphasized in many international agreements to reduce the negative effects of climate change, which is a threat to agriculture, food and nutrition security that affects our country as well as the world. In order to increase the productivity of the soil and maintain its physical structure by meeting the needs of the soil in agricultural areas, soil conditioners are used to add organic and inorganic substances to the soil, to remove harmful, polluting and toxic substances, and to increase efficient and quality harvest. 48% of Türkiye's land is used in agricultural activities. When we look at the soil carbon stock map of our country, it is seen that it has a low organic content of 0.5-6% and is acidic or basic. With this project proposal, it is aimed to enrich the soil by using the rice stalks, which are released at the end of the harvest in the areas where rice is grown in the Thrace and Black Sea regions and whose agricultural use is quite limited, and converted into organic/inorganic compound forms that can be taken by the plant in the soil.